Ayurvedic medicine in Melbourne

Ayurveda is an ancient science of holistic healing and prevention all the way from India.

More than 5,000 years old, Ayurvedic medicine is a complete healthcare system, but more than that, it’s an individualised approach to taking care of yourself by living in alignment with nature.

Ayurveda looks at the whole you and works to address the underlying cause of your issues and challenges so you can go beyond temporary relief and re-enliven the body’s innate capacity to heal and thrive.

At Brightside Meditation & Ayurveda, we offer Ayurvedic health consultations and Ayurvedic treatments in Melbourne and Adelaide.

The science of life — the science of you.

Ayurvedic Medicine Melbourne & Ayurvedic Massage Melbourne

More than just a system of medicine, Ayurveda is a complete philosophy of life that teaches us how to maintain, protect and improve health by living in accordance with Nature’s wisdom.

Vata dosha Ayurveda Melbourne

Let’s dive a little deeper…

Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient holistic science for health, longevity and prevention. One of the main frameworks Ayurveda uses is the tri (three) dosha theory. This gives us a simple way to relate to ourselves so we can better understand where our mind and body is at, and therefore what is needed to restore balance.

The three doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha and each is made up of a combination of two of the five elements: Vata is space and air; Pitta is fire and water; and Kapha is earth and water. Knowing the doshas and the bhutas (elements) they’re comprised of, gives us a set of qualities that we can see reflected in all things, most notably the workings of our minds and bodies.

Each of us comes with our own unique composition of the three doshas. This is known as your Prakriti, which is a lovely Sanskrit word meaning nature or source. Your Prakriti is your constitution, and it provides a great means of coming to understand some of your inherent tendencies, such as why some of us are naturally more fast-paced and energetic, while others tend to be slower and more chill. Your Prakriti doesn’t change.

Just as important though is your Vikriti, another wonderful word that refers to the current state of the doshas within you and is the result of the influence of external factors such as diet, lifestyle, your environment and experiences. Imbalance is seen as the vitiation or aggravation of one or more of the three doshas away from your Praktiti, or natural constitution.

When you come along for an Ayurvedic consultation, we work together to address your Vikriti, so that we can restore some balance. It’s worth noting that the doshas are always in a state of flux – they’re dynamic energies (not physical substances) that are very influenced by everything you encounter. Through Ayurveda, we learn to read the doshas within ourselves, and this helps us identify what would be useful (and what wouldn’t!) for us to maintain harmony and prevent imbalance.

Discover who you are at the deepest level

Ready to start your journey with Ayurvedic medicine?