Essential Ayurvedic practices
More than a diet or a cure, Ayurveda offers us an approach to life that favours prevention and longevity. When we live according to Ayurvedic wisdom, we’re equipped with the tools on how to structure our lives for optimal health and radiance.
The perks of adding Rounding to your meditation practice
Once you’ve been practising Vedic meditation for a little while, you can explore Rounding. As a Vedic meditator, what are the benefits of learning Rounding? Why add it to your practice?
My top 16 benefits of a daily meditation practice
Shanti art from Samadhi Collective. Here I’m sharing the many benefits that have unfolded in my life as a result of a daily meditation practice.
The F word
Chances are there's at least one person in your life (or maybe even yourself) you're struggling to forgive for something. Even if the actual experience may have been years ago, the feelings of resentment and holding on may still be there.
Cultivating creativity with Vedic meditation
Vedic meditation is an incredible tool for helping one tap into, cultivate and strengthen their creativity. So, how does a regular Vedic meditation practice boost our creativity?
Real freedom
With Melbourne coming out of lockdown restrictions, there’s been a lot of talk of freedom. As we enjoy the newfound sense of physical freedom (and deservedly so!) I’ve been thinking a lot about what it really means to be free.
Navaratri: A festival of deep rest & aligning with your Self
Image by Alex Klein. During Navaratri, it’s said that the subtle energies of nature are supercharged, and this provides a powerful opportunity to dive deeper into our practice and let go of addictions, negativity, old ways of being, and things that are no longer serving us.
Fine level of feeling
One of the by-products of regular meditation is what we call fine level of feeling. It’s a refined ability to perceive or sense the more subtle goings on that are taking place in a moment.
Let go of the need to be right
Being right often means we sabotage our relationships with those we love most. Our opinion becomes more important than nurturing any kind of bond or experience with them. When we drop the need to control or change another person's beliefs or behaviour, we have the opportunity for a genuine communing experience.
You are a process, not a problem
Have you ever found yourself feeling angry/stressed/jealous/anxious/sad and thought, “I’m a meditator, I shouldn’t feel this way”?
Reading list
A list of books I've read and loved and would recommend to anyone seeking answers. Books are a wonderful way to fuel your curiosity and expand the architecture of your mind.
Three questions every meditator should ask themselves
I talk to lots of people who already have a meditation practice of some sort, who wonder if they should learn Vedic meditation. This is such a personal question that I can’t really answer for them, so instead I give them three questions to ask themselves.
What is the ego?
What’s the ego? It’s that “voice” of the mind that’s constantly narrating your experience of life. Now you might be wondering what’s wrong with that, and if you are, I encourage you to spend a day observing your mind and noticing what it says.
What's so special about Vedic meditation?
A meditation on what it is that sets Vedic meditation apart, and why I, and so many others, love it so. VM is transforming lives all over the globe, so let’s take a look at a few of the reasons why.
Think you don't have time to meditate? Read this!
Time is one of the biggest barriers to people learning to meditate. Often, when I tell people I teach meditation, they respond with, ‘I’d love to meditate, I just don’t have the time’. Even when people come to learn the technique, one of their biggest concerns is ‘how will I actually make time for this every day?’
The perks of looking back at the past
It’s very easy to get caught up in how far there is to go. As though we’re climbing a mountain and only ever looking up at the steep incline ahead of us, without ever bothering to take a look below, at the immense ground we’ve covered.
Most things in life are subject to shifting, evolving or ending in one way or another. Everything except change. Change is the only thing that will never change.
The mistake of the intellect
The Vedic cannon of knowledge is deep, complex, and, if you study it closely, offers immense wisdom on how to live life in accordance with nature, for your highest evolution.
Respect your need to rest
Rest seems to have developed a bit of a negative connotation lately. There’s a growing mentality that if we’re not getting shit done, we’re not being productive, aren’t worthwhile or are somehow a failure.
“The most important spiritual growth doesn’t happen when you’re meditating or on a yoga mat. It happens in the midst of conflict - when you’re frustrated, angry or scared and you’re doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realise that you have a choice to do it differently.” Art by Real Fun, Wow!